I am working in my studio now…my family has decided to make presents this year for the adults, a new venture for us!  With the state of the economy like it is, and people losing jobs, etc…well, we just decided that we could enjoy giving gifts that were not necessarily purchased but made by hand instead…actually, it’s a pursuit that seems to have quite a bit more significance than purchasing ready-made from the store.

…and so, after a bit of a break from painting, I am pulling out the watercolor paper and conjuring up images that I might want to paint…gifts to my wonderful daughter, Kerry, and my equally delightful daughter-in-law, Shannon….so much fun!!!  …shall i paint them something from my “Women Gathering” series?  or something else that holds more significance for them?  …ahhhh, the many choices!!!

While I am busily dreaming and crafting in my studio, music is playing in the background…it seems the natural way for me when i am creative…to have some delightful piece playing…music is like my companion while I am floating on this cloud of creativity!  Actually, music seems to steer me ever more to that special place called “the zone” in which artists seem to forget the cares of the world… and all that exists at that moment in time is that special painting…or drawing or whatever…and it’s creator…this can be the time when the artist does his or her best work!

Do you listen to music as you work in your studio?  If you are an artist, what is your favorite music to listen to as you create? Some artists may play their music loud, but I tend to choose the calmer and quieter “easy listening” style… Michael McDonald…Acoustic Alchemy…and this week I am adding in a Christmas song here and there…Manheim Steamrollers and others.  I also enjoy listening to a local NM artist, Don Shearer, whose music soothes my soul!!  I love his music!!  …you can hear an assortment of his songs here…it is definitely worth checking out!!

As Christmas is approaching, I hope you are finding the true enchantment of the season…

Merry Christmas all!
Nina Baldwin