It’s no use…I can’t wait to do this…I have been thinking about this for a while now…I must give it away!!…a gift at the New Year for you…and me…

The New Year…a time of contemplation, prioritizing, planning and giving ourselves permission to have the most exciting, fun-filled, growing in the spirit experience in the new year…permission also to do, perhaps, something we haven’t done before…

“And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same.” Marianne Williamson, from the Painter’s Keys Resource of Art Quotations.


name: __________________ has permission

to allow his/her light to shine to the nth degree

from this date, Saturday, January 1, 2011, forward

…at all times…and in all circumstances…


Make your New Year really meaningful!!

“The New Year is like a blanc canvas waiting for us to put colours on it.”

Happy New Year!!

Nina Baldwin