The fundraiser for the SAFE HOUSE of ABQ is right around the corner and I have participated in it for the last three years in a small way…each year I have painted a birdhouse for their dinner/auction event, a wonderful time that takes place on the enclosed patio at a beautiful restaurant down in Old Town ABQ… SAFE HOUSE is a ministry to women and children, victims of domestic violence…for some reason, participating in this event touches my heart…and I am so grateful to be included in the festivities!! 
I thought I would show you a few photos of my birdhouse…the process it went thru and the outcome…hope you enjoy it!  OH!  I almost forgot to add that a good friend of mine, Laverne Elliot, donated several of the pieces that I incorporated into the finished piece…such as the storytellers, the flagstone etchings, the (real!!) turquoise pieces, the skull (very Georgia O’Keeffe!!!) and the lizard…what did I contribute??  ….uhhhh, well, I think I stuck my finger in the paint!…
it started out with a wooden shell…then I prepared the wood and added texture…
I painted the surface, added the 2 storytellers, skull and leather cover for the door… then decorated the ground with turquoise pieces and paint as well as some areas of swirls…adding an etching in flagstone to an area in the back of the casita. 
“Casa de Suenos” or “House of Dreams” is the name I chose for this casita…this is the back of the little house with a second storyteller and the flagstone etching…
below is the front from another angle…I added the stars, including a shooting star!…on the roof and across the front of the casa…
the gold and black are not beads….well, they are “beads” of paint! and the red swirls are also paint…
I finished it by varnishing the areas of red swirls, painting the windows and the dowels.  It was great fun and I hope that it will benefit SAFE HOUSE!!
Tomorrow I have plans to have my ABSTRACT ART GROUP out to my house for painting outside, painting on yupo paper and possibly even critiquing!!
Perhaps I will get some photos of other artists creating for my blog!
Thanks for stopping by!!