How fun is this??!!  While I was busy making Christmas cookies and stuffing the turkey, my quote, “Art is power”, was featured in an article on “15th Floor”…”elevating the agency of playwriting”…evidently a magazine written by writers for writers.

Actually, as I am reading it occasionally, I am finding that it applies just as much to visual artists and those in the arts as writers…thought-provoking, creative articles that speak to me as an artist.

I am delighted to share my quote with the author.  This quote on power seems to have a power of its own!  I have seen it posted on other’s blogs, used as the theme for an artshow in Colorado, used on nametags, etc…and now as the jumping off point in an article published in New York…cooooolllllll!!!!!!!!

BLISS!!!!  …thanks to all!!!

Nina Baldwin