Merry Christmas to all!!
‘been painting up a storm…gifts for Christmas…that’s what seems to be popular for gift-giving this year!

  …a triptych for my daughter…”Calypso!”…in her favorite colors…turquoise and a golden yellow (almost orange)…  
 …a 3′ by 4′ painting for my daughter-in-law…”Generations II”…from my “Women Gathering” series… with figures which represent her, her Mom, Grandmother, and other women in her life…I hope she likes it!!
…finishing up a family “portrait” of my son, daughter-in-law and their two little boys…acrylic on watercolor paper mounted on a wooden panel (also in the “Women Gathering” style!)…
…plus I have a “commission”, I guess you might call it, altho’ I won’t get paid for it!…for another “Women Gathering” painting for my daughter, entitled “Mother and Children”…that will also be a large painting…also in the “Women Gathering” style…

I am enjoying this! 

I hope that your Christmas is full of all of the good stuff…joy, laughter, sharing, caring, warmth, good food and love!